The Art of Realistic Drawing

Drawing on Mindfulness


Enrol in a comprehensive technique course to learn realistic drawing! This entertaining, fool-proof course gives you the foundation you need for fine art. Although engaging and fun, it is a technique class, and will lead you to the discipline of realistic drawing.

Experience the two ways we think: the intuitive, experiential Right Brain, and the linear, verbal Left Brain. Feel the difference in your mind and body. As we enter the right brain, the critical left brain is muted. You are defacto in a Mindful state, the intuitive well of the mind. This happens naturally through the exercises we do in this class. The process opens your perception, enabling you to record what you see without the critical left-brain interfering. This is neural plasticity exercising underused mental muscles and creating new neural pathways.

Crystal has been working as a fine artist and illustrator for over 35 years, teaching at institutions like Capilano U, UBC, Royal Oak College, and two international ESL schools. She has also given seminars in creative problem solving at architectural firms, Cap College, and through UBC’s MBA program and continuing education. She loves to work with students serious about overcoming any roadblocks such as “I’m not talented”. All that is needed is good or corrected eyesight, good average intelligence, and good eye-hand coordination.

Private Art Lessons

Learn the foundation for all fine art media using a tried-and-true method. Perfect for new artists who may have been told they are not talented, as well as experienced artists working in various media venues.

Instagram @crystalelectrapainter
Guitar House

Crystal Deshaies, an accomplished artist, has taught at UBC, Cap U, Kwantlen College, and created a one-of-a-kind "English Through Art" course at ESL schools. Currently, a fine artist creating heirloom "Home and Garden" commissions, she has been published and exhibited widely in Vancouver, and is happily creating new works in her studio next to Granville Island.

No experience required

Pricing from $25 per hour for 6-8 week course

Contact Crystal for a Lesson